Upcoming news and events
1st Confession
March 28S.A.T. Grades 1 – 6
April 7 - April 11S.A.T. Jr High & High School
April 14 - April 15Easter vacation
April 17 - April 27St. Joseph Father/Son Campout
April 25 - April 26
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School Events
For a complete listing please see school calendar
Fall Festival is a family friendly social event put together by PPA parents in gratitude to parishioner support of the school. This is our annual Fall Fundraiser to help offset capital projects costs for the property and to help maintain affordable tuition. All are invited and welcomed! Include your extended social network to enjoy an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship on the campus lawn. Event features food, games, music, bounce houses, face painting, 50/50 raffle, $10K Raffle Drawing and Silent Auction.
Community honors all Veteran’s with an annual tribute. The school hosts former military guest speakers to share their knowledge, experience and love of country with students.
Event open to all to honor our Blessed Mother as Patroness of the America’s with a festive procession featuring singing and recitation of the Rosary at stations from the Guadalupe apparitions followed by festive food and fun.
All are invited to join us for a festive evening in anticipation of the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord. All grade levels prepare Christmas themed entertainment for attendees followed by a cookie exchange. The show is free in appreciation for all the support PPA receives all year long and is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and leave you with Christmas cheer to share.
Our founder, Fr. Schell instituted the beloved tradition of a dinner and dance to help foster a close community that prays together and plays together. All are welcomed to enjoy a social evening making cherished memories.
All grandpa’s, dad’s and son’s honor St. Joseph with litany, procession, food and games. Friends and extended family welcomed.
This is our annual Spring Fundraiser that helps support capital projects throughout the property and maintains affordable tuition. Students secure donations during the pledge period and are rewarded with various prizes for their efforts.